Monday, August 13, 2012


Yesterday I went sailing. Why anyone thought I should spend five hours in a life jacket on a sailboat is BEYOND me. These fools were HYSTERICAL if they thought I was going to walk on those rickety docks. NICE TRY. If you want me to hang out on a boat, you can carry me to it.

In other news, I officially got a godfather. I live in the most italian neighborhood in Massachusetts. I was the only guy on the block without one. But that issue has FINALLY been resolved. The interview process was grueling and I appreciate the background checks and screening, but these morons should have had this squared away WELL before I arrived at their house. I'd hate to see how they handle "real" life issues if they can't figure out something as simple as this. Pathetic.

Oh, and they got drunk and changed my middle name to "Jenna". Winston Jenna? I assume I don't need to comment further.

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